CES Health Office Home Page
Welcome to Mrs. Rydell's and Mrs. O'Connor's Health Office
You can reach us during school hours at:
CES Health Office * CES.Health@chesterufsd.org
Mrs. Rydell, School Nurse - (845)469-2178 ext. 2209 Click to email
Mrs. O'Connor, Health Office - (845)469-2178 ext. 2208 Click to email
If calling after hours, please leave a voice message and we will return your call as soon as possible.
The designated Health Office fax number is 1 (845) 469-2170.
The emergency sheet, physical form, dental form and medication in school form can be found under "Health Forms".
**Please scroll down for important announcements and links**
Too Sick for School?
Four Questions to Consider:
- Is your child running a fever?
- Can your child participate in class?
- Is your child contagious?
- Are the symptoms disruptive?